Raha – Medical Doctor

What problem/s were you trying to solve by working with Cordelia? Where were you stuck?
I was quite literally stuck in all aspects of life! I was unhappy and didnt know what I wanted to do both in my personal and professional life. I was constantly criticising myself for this. Despite my life seeming ‘perfect on paper, it felt far from it but I couldnt fully understand why and I didnt even know where to start.

What have you been able to achieve since working with Cordelia? What results and benefits did you get?
Cordelia gave me clarity to actually think about my goals and values. Prior to coaching with Cordelia I had lost sight of my true self and what matters to me in life. I realised that a lot of what I thought I wanted in life was not actually aligned with my values. She made me feel confident about the decisions I was making for my happiness.

Did you experience any unexpected benefits from working with Cordelia? If so, what were they?
Absolutely. I came across Cordelia on Instagram and her profile really chimed with me because I genuinely felt stuck. Having exhausted all other avenues I really didnt know what to expect and was pessimistic about what I could realistically achieve in 3 months of coaching. In simplistic terms I thought Cordelia will help me figure out what I wanted to do with my career.

Now, after 3 months with Cordelia I can honestly say that I have transformed as a person. Cordelia helped me peel back layer by layer the foundation of my ‘stuckness. She gave me the tools I needed to work on what was holding me back. One of my biggest barriers to applying myself both personally and professionally was fear and feeling unworthy. She made me realise that I wasnt chained to a career timeline and there is so much I can do to find career clarity before I commit myself to anything because I am good enough. After a lot of mindset work I can honestly say that I feel the happiest and most confident that I have in many years.

What did you like most about working with Cordelia?
Cordelia takes a very personalised approach and really puts her heart and soul into making sure that youre progressing and becoming unstuck in whatever it is youre struggling with. I felt like I could reach out to Cordelia whenever I wanted to even outside of our sessions and I did so on multiple occasions. I really liked that Cordelia was flexible and approachable which made working with her very enjoyable. Ive loved working with Cordelia so much that I plan on continuing drop in sessions every now and then to keep me on track.

What would you say to someone whos considering working with Cordelia?
I would say working with Cordelia has been one of the best investments I have ever made for my wellbeing and clarity. Worth every penny.

If there was one or two words you could use to describe your experience of working with Cordelia, what would that word be and why?
Transformative – she transformed my outlook on life and how I feel about myself. She redefined what success and happiness mean for me. Freeing – there was so much negativity holding me back from experiencing happiness and acknowledging my strengths. Through our mindset work I feel free from the limitations that I had placed on myself.

How has your life changed as a result of our coaching?
Im starting to recognise myself again and feel more confident in my abilities. I feel happy which is something I definitely could not have said 3 months ago.

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