1-on-1 Breakthrough Coaching

Are you ready to get your sparkle and A game back?

It’s time for you to excel and become extraordinary.

My bespoke coaching is for you if you’re STUCK and unable to make progress in something that’s important and meaningful to you – there’s a change you want to make, a goal you want to achieve but you feel trapped, restricted and unable to seize it as if there’s a glass ceiling over you head because your current tools, routines and strategies aren’t helping you to move forwards and you’re struggling with mental blocks such as self-doubt, imposter syndrome and fear. You’ve been STUCK for so long that you’re now losing confidence, clarity and direction and deep down you’re becoming increasingly frustrated, unsettled and unhappy.

What is breakthrough coaching?

Breakthrough coaching does exactly what the name suggests – it’s about strategically guiding you through a major breakthrough, a sudden advance in an area that’s important and meaningful to you. It’s about making a real impact and taking huge strides forwards. It’s about feeling alive, full of joy, confidence and purpose as you step into the best version of yourself whilst creating the success you desire. It’s about coming out the other side and looking back to admire a period in your life that represents huge change and growth – the creation of something you’ve laid awake at night thinking about – a massive turning point in your life.

Dr Cordelia Peel
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve"
Napoleon Hill
Cordelia Peel

How do I coach?

I bring an integrated approach to my coaching that encompasses mind, body, relationships and ambition, to ensure I elevate every arena of your life. Whilst you have a specific goal that together we will conquer, I make sure that we don’t lose sight of the other important areas of your life so everything becomes elevated.

We’ll transform your mindset from one that is full of stress, negativity, doubt and fear to one that is calm, clear, optimistic, confident and decisive.

We’ll get you feeling great in your body, working from the inside out with special attention paid to your gut health and your physical, mental and emotional energy.

With my help you’ll create a detailed vision of what success looks like to you. We set an end goal and specific targets and I create a step-by-step plan, a clear strategy, to get you there. With this sense of purpose and clarity, you’ll make real tangible progress in the direction you’ve been longing to go, and I’ll be there with you, every step of the way.

What results can I expect?

I get you to where you want to be - that’s my job and you have my full commitment but I need yours too - this is a collaborative process. I track your daily, weekly and monthly progress so I can monitor you closely and make adjustments where needed so you never stop moving forwards.

Typically within a month you’ll begin to feel like your old self again with vastly improved energy levels, focus and increasing positive emotions. By the end of month two, once our mindset training has started to kick in, you’ll start to feel a new level of confidence and self-belief and with this your horizon will start to change as you’ll start to really acknowledge the infinite opportunities and possibilities that lay before you. The breakthrough has begun.

The length of time it takes to reach your end goal very much depends on what it is you want and where you are starting from, but I’ll get you there vastly quicker than if you were to attempt it alone, and I’ll make it a lot easier and far more enjoyable.

"If you opt for a safe life, you will never know what it's like to win"
Richard Branson

What investment do I need to make?

I ask for a three month commitment because from experience, this is the minimum time it takes to get you UNSTUCK and unstoppable. Whilst there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach - each of my clients are different and so are their goals - for the new habits of thought and behaviour to take effect to the point of breakthrough and beyond, this is the minimum time frame because I want you leaving me feeling completely transformed - happy, deeply fulfilled and with unwavering confidence - in a radically different place than when you started.

What qualifications do you bring to the table?

I have 14 years of medical experience and as a result, I’m pretty well educated on how your body works so I can optimise yours and get you in great health again using a lifestyle approach. This is further supported by my Level 2 Personal Training qualification. I’m also a qualified Master NLP Practitioner that supports the mindset work I teach as well as working with limiting beliefs and fear. I also heavily invested (over 10K!) in two years of business coaching, so as someone who made a huge career transition and built my own business from scratch, there’s a lot I have to offer you here. With my vast knowledge and experience of what it takes to be a good leader, and also having helped many medical trainees advance through some of the toughest points in their careers with training events, mentoring and coaching at the Royal Society of Medicine, I am very well equipped to help you take your career to the next level.

Dr Cordelia Peel
What my clients say...

If they can do it, so can you

    Working with Cordelia is one of the best investments you will ever make. In three months, I finally felt like I had broken through years and years of self doubt and self hate.I finally feel free and will be forever grateful.
    Victoria - Founder & Managing Director of an Independent Recruitment Consultancy Firm
    Cordelia is a beautiful human being who is dedicated to her work and her clients. She is a powerhouse of knowledge, experience and expertise and is extremely generous in sharing that with her client’s to support them fully on their unstuck journey. Working with Cordelia is a truly transformative experience that delivers far more than you could ever imagine. You cannot fail to get unstuck with her as your coach.
    Sarah - Strategy & Policy Analyst, Energy sector
    I feel so much more confident in myself. I’ve made some big changes that I really believe wouldn’t have been possible without the clarity and confidence I gained through working with Cordelia. Cordelia is amazing, vibrant, motivating and full of knowledge. She's the real deal!
    Tommy - Acupuncturist & Business Owner
    Do it! Don’t put it off. You may be waiting for the right time, but sometimes you might need someone there to hold your hand or give you that push - and Cordelia is the person who can help you.
    Ali - Business Owner
    My work with Cordelia has been transformative and freeing. It has been one of the best investments I have ever made.
    Raha - Medical Doctor

What are your biggest success stories to date?

30kg of weight loss in one year - 120 kg to 90 kg - and she continues to maintain it!
Taking a client from no business at all, just a simple website, to winning her first £10K contract!
I’ve helped many negotiate pay rises, the biggest to date is 30%!
A client who was too anxious to step inside a gym to being able to run 5K!
And I've helped many overcome crippling anxiety and depression, without the use of medications.
You can read more testimonials here

Do any of these things sound like something you need right now?

Are you ready to get UNSTUCK and live a limitless life?

Connect with me