An introduction to one of the most important factors that influence your diet and health, that is your gut microbes which has become a fascinating new area of scientific investigation which is transforming our entire understanding of the relationship between the health of our bodies, minds and the food we consume.
Many of us hold irrational ideals for ourselves which manifest as unrealistic expectations for our academic and professional performance, how we should look and what we should own. Consciously or unconsciously, many of us are trying to live up to the myth that things, including ourselves, should be perfect. Are you one of these people?
There are several myths, lies or excuses we use in order to avoid doing the work that needs to be done. A procrastination myth is when we tell ourselves that there’s a valid reason why we’re putting off an important task, when the reality is that it’s just an excuse we’re using to justify our avoidance. Learning to spot these is important. Which of these myths is keeping you STUCK?
95% of adults struggle with procrastination and it’s a habit that keeps us STUCK – it not only decreases your productivity and performance but it can also impact your physical and mental health, relationships and put you in a worse financial status. Research has identified six types of procrastinators each with different traits and characteristics. Which one sounds most like you?